CHAOS: the limitless void from which all things form; pure potential
Chaos Yoga is a modern approach to shadow work and non-dual awareness training
designed to destroy the lies of the mind by undoing the tensions in the body.
Using a potent mix of Reichian bodywork, breathing, and meditation,
Chaos Yoga leverages the power and intelligence of the body by
converting stress and tension held in the muscles into fuel for
personal transformation, transcendence, and liberation.
Permanent results include: radically reducing anxiety, eliminating stress, alleviating depression,
becoming more grounded and centered, a deeper sense of self-trust and confidence,
greater levels of energy, increased feelings of happiness and joy, and more.
WARNING: Chaos Yoga is NOT a pseudo-spiritual “feel good” system.
Its designed to break down your old patterns and belief systems, to face your shadow and integrate it,
in order to become the person you were always meant to be.